Milonga del Angel - 2015.03.30.


Időpont: 2015. március 30. hétfő 20:00
Helyszín: Duna Palota (1051 Budapest, Zrínyi u. 5.)


For the real survivors: After-after Milonga del Angel on Monday evening with live music at 20:00 at the beautiful Ballroom of the Danube Palace, next to Chain Bridge


Location: Danube Palace Ballroom

Duna Palota, 1051 Budapest, Zrínyi u. 5., Hungary


Live music: Tango Harmony Orchestra


Entrace fee: 1.000 HUF (3 euros)


This fantastic venue also the location of the

4th Amor en Budapest Tango Marathonito 3-5 July 2015.

Minden jog fenntartva © by Art’s Harmony