Marathon előtti Bemelegítő Workshop Fernando Serrano-val és Silvia Colli-val

***See english below***


Időpont: március 26. - március 27.

Helyszín: Lion's Garden Hotel Budapest (Cházár András u. 4., Budapest, Hungary, 1146) és Stefánia Palace Ballroom


Március 26, csütörtök:

Helyszín: Hotel Lion's Garden Ballroom

Cházár András u. 4., Budapest, Hungary, 1146


18:30 TANGÓ Tánc közeltartásban, barridák, saccadák és boleók

(75 perc)

20:00 MILONGA TRASPIE: Egyenes és forgó mozgások dinamikája

(60 perc)

21:00 Pre-milonga a helyszínen


Március 27, péntek:

Helyszín: Stefánia Palace Ballroom

Stefánia u. 34., Budapest, Hungary, 1143


16:00 VALS Girók és Kontra-girók: a fordulások sebessége és eleganciája

(60 perc)

17:00 MILONGA TRASPIE: Corridák forduló oldallépésekben és női díszítések

(60 perc)

18:00 A 3rd Primavera Budapest Tango Marathon kezdődik a helyszínen


Óradíjak: 10 euro / óra (3.000 Ft)


Jelentkezés: Csatlakozz az eventhez, és gyere a helyszínre. :)


Fernando és Silvia tangós életrajzát lásd lejjebb.




Welcome to the Warming-up Workshop with Fernando Serrano (BsAs, Argentina) and Silvia Colli (Italy) - 3rd Primavera Budapest Tango Marathon


26 March, Thursday:

Location Hotel Lion's Garden Ballroom

Cházár András u. 4., Budapest, Hungary, 1146


18:30 TANGO Dancing in close embrace and combinations with barridas, sacadas, boleos

(75 minutes)

20:00 MILONGA TRASPIE changing dynamics linear and turning steps in syncopated action

(60 minutes)

21:00 the Pre-milonga starts on the location


27 March, Friday

Location: Stefánia Palace Ballroom

Stefánia u. 34., Budapest, Hungary, 1143


16:00 TANGO VALS "Giros y contra giros" turning with speed and grace

(60 minutes)

17:00 MILONGA TRASPIE sequence: corrida in turning side steps and embellishments for ladies

(60 minutes)

18:00 The 3rd Primavera Budapest Tango Marathon starts on the location


Class price: 10 euros / class


Please join to the event, and come :)


About Fernando and Silvia




Actor, dancer, choreographer & Argentine Tango Master.

A truly exponent of the new generation of Argentine tango. Fernando speaks fluently four languages and has great charisma characterized by its strong visual impact. From the beginning, Fernando has adopted a classic tango with current features. He traveled the five continents bringing his art in many different places and cultures as a worthy ambassador without borders. He had the honor of being invited to be part of Argentine Tango World Championship in Asia as a Judge. In recent times, he was a partner and has shared international scene with two representative figures of Argentine Tango, recognized throughout the world, Alicia Monti and Gachi Fernandez. His hard work as a teacher is remarkable. The friendliness and precision in teaching has meant that it is very much in demand his participation and collaboration with the most important events at international level.




Argentine Tango Dancer. Silvia has a degree in Modern Foreign Languages, and speaks five languages. She Dance Argentine Tango since 1996 with Argentine masters such as Osvaldo Zotto & Lorena Ermocida, Gustavo Naveira, Giselle Anne, Roberto Herrera, Carlos Gavito, Julio Balmaceda, Corina de la Rosa. In 2003 she began his teaching activities as a Tango instructor. In 2006, travelling for her first Tango Tour in Europe with Chan Park, which translates and publishes the book "TangoZen". Since 2007 she works with the Argentine dancer Jorge Firpo performing in Italy and abroad. Since 2009, she founded the association Tango Allegria based in Rome with the argentine teacher Fernando Serrano. The remarkable artistic collaboration between them determines the continued growth of the members of the association. Silvia organizes together with Fernando very important Tango events in Italy and abroad.

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